Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Congrats High School on winning your competition!!!! This Wednesday night (2/10) is your reward - we will be going to the W.A.C. to hang out for a couple of hours. We'll be leaving at 6:30 & we'll be back about 9:30. EAT BEFORE WE LEAVE!!!! Your ticket in is paid and 2 games of bowling - so if you want snacks bring money for that!!
Jr. High - Wednesday night you have a free night - hang out with your family!!!
The Sweetheart Banquet has been moved until Saturday night - we need all the help serving that we can get on this!!! Take the poll on the side for YOUR food that night. I'm debating between pizza or hamburgers. Just select the one you want.
If you have any questions about any of this - please please please let me know!!! You guys are awesome!!!
- Sound Off -
What is the hardest part of life?? Meaning, what makes your day or makes your day really bad?? Let me know!!!


Girl Power!! said...

I think the hardest part of life is having to deal with growing up and growing apart from your family and some of your old friends.

What makes my day amazing would be if I was able to actually laugh and have a good time with out having homework, college or what my career is going to be, on my mind. I guess being able to be carefree and have a good time, like it used to be my freshman year.

I think what will really make my day bad would be if people, like they have been, start rumors and telling people things that aren't true about me and what i supposedly did...

Though I truly believe that YOU yourself decide if you're going to feel a certain way that day or react to a certain situation so yeah...ha

Duffychic said...

What makes my day really bad is when my friends don't support my decisions and when they don't listen to what your saying, or when people get picked on for doing something perfectly normal. but because they are different they can't do it


Duffychic said...

i forgot to put what makes my day ha ha
Well i think just waking up everyday is great and making it through without slapping the crud out of my brother is even better... ha
But really just getting to have another experience or make another memory with my friends and family is awesome and i love it
Another thing is being with my friends and having a great time regardless of what's happening in my life i can always count on my true friends to help me forget about it even if it's just for a little while.
